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Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce in Virginia

November 22, 2021

在弗吉尼亚州,决定离婚的配偶要做出一个决定. 他们应该基于过错离婚还是基于无过错分居?

这篇文章将提供一个“弗吉尼亚离婚101”概述离婚的过错和无过错理由, 无争议离婚和有争议离婚在程序上的区别, and the advantages of uncontested divorce in terms of time and cost.

Fault Grounds and No-Fault Grounds FOR Divorce 

In Virginia, 离婚可以基于三个过错理由之一,也可以基于无过错分居理由.

Uncontested Divorce

追求无过错分居的理由被称为无争议离婚. In order to obtain uncontested divorce, 配偶必须分居一年或一年以上,没有同居或中断, 如果双方签订分居协议,则为六(6)个月 and there are no minor children of the parties. In essence, 双方必须就婚姻和离婚的重要细节达成一致, including but not limited to child custody, child visitation/parenting time, child support, spousal support, retirement accounts, marital debts, marital properties, and personal properties.

Contested Divorce

When a party does not meet a separation ground for divorce, 该党需要继续努力达成一项分离协议, or to file for contested divorce. 在弗吉尼亚有三个过错离婚理由:(a)通奸, sodomy, or buggery; (b) conviction of felony after the marriage; and (c) cruelty or desertion.

Adultery, Sodomy, or Buggery

起诉方必须提出明确的、令人信服的证据,并经第三方证实,证明配偶有婚外自愿性行为. 抱怨的配偶不能宽恕这种行为,原谅婚姻错误并继续自愿与有罪的配偶住在一起.

Felony Conviction

如果一方在结婚后被判重罪,并被判处一年以上监禁,法院可以准予过失理由离婚. 根据这一有争议的理由,配偶不需要满足任何等待期或分居期就可以提出离婚. 但是,提出申诉的配偶在得知这种监禁后不得恢复同居. 同样值得注意的是,弗吉尼亚法院需要监护人 ad Litem to be appointed to represent the interests of the confined spouse, 而抱怨的配偶可能需要承担一些监护人的费用 ad Litem.

Cruelty or Desertion

残忍是指配偶的行为使婚姻同居不安全或危及生命, limb, or health. 抛弃包括抛弃婚姻的具体意图和行为以及实际解除同居关系. 如果另一方的残酷行为使配偶别无选择,只能离开婚姻的家,配偶也可以声称“建设性遗弃”.

The Big Procedural Difference between Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce 

Whether filing for contested or uncontested divorce in Virginia, 居住要求是一样的:在申请离婚前,至少有一方必须在弗吉尼亚州居住至少6个月. However, 两者在程序上的最大区别是,无争议离婚不需要出庭. An original separation agreement will be submitted to the court, 分居协议条款将被纳入最终离婚令.

In contrast, contested divorce often leads to Pendente Lite (最终离婚前的临时救济)听证会、和解会议和出庭.

Advantages of the Uncontested Divorce 

无争议离婚通常指当事人就离婚条款达成一致, 因此,双方可以在提交无过错离婚诉讼后的几个月内完成离婚,从而更快地得到结果.

In addition to the shorter processing time, 无争议离婚的第二大优势是经济成本. 不像有争议的离婚案件,人们无法预测预期的时间和成本, 无争议离婚案件呈现出更可预测的时间线和成本结构.

无争议离婚的最后一个诱因是双方对分居协议条款有控制权. In contested divorce cases, parties are bound by a court’s final order terms, whether they like them or not. It is not a judge, but the parties themselves who best know their situation and understand the circumstances; and it is the parents themselves who best know the needs of their children. Therefore, in an uncontested divorce, 夫妻双方可以讨论并商定哪些条款可以最好地解决他们家庭的情况和需求.

Whether you are pursuing an uncontested or contested divorce, 咨询法律顾问来量身定制一份分居协议是有益的,并帮助你找到无争议离婚或有争议离婚的最佳选择.

Ra Hee Jeon is a Pender & 科沃德律师专注于家庭法和移民事务.








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